Samsung Smart TV - SmartLibs
Facebook app that teaches people about Samsung SmartTV's and lets them build a SmartLib to enter to win a TV prize pack.
Facebook app that teaches people about Samsung SmartTV's and lets them build a SmartLib to enter to win a TV prize pack.
Samsung was releasing a brand new series of Smart TV's. These TV's can hook up to the internet and they actually have an app store where you can download apps for your TV. While our goal was to educate people over a 4 week period we didn't want to duplicate the information or the look and feel of the TV's microsite. We instead gave a short burst of information up front and then let people create a fun Smart Lib (think madlibs) which wove a tale and product features together into a fun story. You could tag your friends and your built Smart Lib could get added to a user gallery. Of course upon completion you would be able to enter the contest.
Associate Creative Director : me, Drew Matthews
Art Direction/Design : me, Drew Matthews
Client : Samsung Canada
Agency : RocketXL
Associate Creative Director : me, Drew Matthews
Art Direction/Design : me, Drew Matthews
Client : Samsung Canada
Agency : RocketXL